Who is Brandon Daggerhart?

This Is Brandon Daggerhart

I compose original music and songs to hopefully share with the world. I write Dungeons & Dragons adventures & settings with which to torture my players. I stand and crouch on a cruiser board and hope to someday have the courage to push off. I carry a Fujifilm around and attempt to capture moments. I hike up steep rocky inclines, grasping desperately at vines and branches, seeking sunlight and the elusive hiker’s high. I read historical adventures and find myself foolishly wishing I could experience the Franklin expedition. I dodge multiple dogs and cats, failing to keep their tangle of tails and teeth from beneath my feet. I play at web development for fun. I make furniture, crafts, and things which hold no interest to anyone but myself. I teach a tiny, beautiful girl how to think and fend for herself in a world I’m evermore terrified to let her loose in. I do all this alongside (or at least, in the same household with) a beautiful, patient, understanding wife, without whom none of the rest above would be possible or worthwhile.

As a note to what you may find here: rather than attempting multiple separate blogs (a dad blog, a music blog, a gaming blog, a photography blog, an opinion blog, a travel blog, WHATEVER), I’ve gathered and collated everything here in an attempt to keep from losing my mind. All my old blogs (if you ever read them) have been completely archived and removed from online, though some of the content (especially/likely RPG/D&D stuff) may be brought back over here.

As an additional note, you will find on this page, and on my wife’s pages, and our various social pages, we don’t post our daughter’s pictures or name. Obviously, people can find this info out if they want to be stalkery enough, but we prefer to keep our daughter’s life as private as we possibly can until she’s old enough to make her own decisions about how she appears online. I’ll typically call her Tinyhart on these pages.